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Section 41.101: Definitions.

As used in this part,

“Areawide contract” means a contract entered into between the General Services Administration (GSA) and a utility service supplier to cover utility service needs of Federal agencies within the franchise territory of the supplier. Each areawide contract includes an “Authorization” form for requesting service, connection, disconnection, or change in service.

“Authorization” means the document executed by the ordering agency and the utility supplier to order service under an areawide contract.

“Connection charge” means all nonrecurring costs, whether refundable or nonrefundable, to be paid by the Government to the utility supplier for the required connecting facilities, which are installed, owned, operated, and maintained by the utility supplier (see Termination liability).

“Delegated agency” means an agency that has received a written delegation of authority from GSA to contract for utility services for periods not exceeding ten years (see 41.103(b)).

“Federal Power and Water Marketing Agency” means a Government entity that produces, manages, transports, controls, and sells electrical and water supply service to customers.

“Franchise territory” means a geographical area that a utility supplier has a right to serve based upon a franchise, a certificate of public convenience and necessity, or other legal means.

“Intervention” means action by GSA or a delegated agency to formally participate in a utility regulatory proceeding on behalf of all Federal executive agencies.

“Multiple service locations” means the various locations or delivery points in the utility supplier’s service area to which it provides service under a single contract.

“Rates” may include rate schedules, riders, rules, terms and conditions of service, and other tariff and service charges, e.g., facilities use charges.

“Separate contract” means a utility services contract (other than a GSA areawide contract, an Authorization under an areawide contract, or an interagency agreement), to cover the acquisition of utility services.

“Termination liability” means a contingent Government obligation to pay a utility supplier the unamortized portion of a connection charge and any other applicable nonrefundable service charge as defined in the contract in the event the Government terminates the contract before the cost of connection facilities has been recovered by the utility supplier (see “Connection charge”).

“Utility service” means a service such as furnishing electricity, natural or manufactured gas, water, sewerage, thermal energy, chilled water, steam, hot water, or high temperature hot water. The application of Part 41 to other services (e.g., rubbish removal, snow removal) may be appropriate when the acquisition is not subject to the Service Contract Act of 1965 (see 37.107).

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