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Section 5406.304: Approval of the justification.

(a)(3) Proposed contracts over $11.5 million but not exceeding $78.5 million require approval of the head of the contracting activity (HCA). For those contracting offices not designated as contracting activities listed at 2.101, the HCA is the Director, Acquisition Management, J-7.

(a)(3)(90) Justifications for those contracting offices listed at 2.101 requiring approval by the Director, Acquisition Management, J-7 serving as the head of the procuring activity for purposes of approval of the justification (including class justifications based on estimated total value of the class) shall be forwarded to J-72 by a letter of transmittal signed by the Commander/Director of the activity requesting . The letter of transmittal shall be forwarded sufficiently early as to allow for Headquarters review and approvals prior to the commencement of negotiations. The letter of transmittal shall include:

(i) The proposed justification (see FAR 6.303).

(ii) The acquisition plan (see FAR Subpart 7.1).

(iii) Any other pertinent supporting facts or information bearing on a decision to approve the justification.

(a)(4) See FAR 6.304

(a)(4)(B)(2)(90) This authority has been delegated to the Director, Acquisition Management, J-7 by the Director, DLA.

(a)(4)(B)(2)(91) Justifications requiring approval by the Senior Procurement Executive (including class justifications based on estimated total value of the class) shall follow the procedures at 6.304(a)(3)(90) for submitting requests to HQ.

(a)(4)(B)(2)(92) The DLA competition advocate shall review and recommend approval/disapproval of justifications exceeding $75 million.

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