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Section 5437.590-4: Decision Authority.

The decision authority (review and approval) level associated with each dollar range for service acquisitions valued above $100,000, as depicted in the chart at 7.104-90 and described more fully, below, shall ensure that each such acquisition is reviewed and approved at a level above the contracting officer. Also, to ensure the appropriate level of interest and strategic decision-making, local procedures should require that service acquisitions greater than the simplified acquisition threshold be reviewed and coordinated at the highest levels practicable.

(a) The decision authority for all service acquisitions (other than information technology (IT)) with a total value greater than $1 billion is retained by USD(AT&L). Submit acquisition strategy documentation for all such acquisitions to J-72 for review and coordination. Following intermediate approval levels, including the Senior Procurement Executive (SPE) and/or the Integrated Acquisition Review Board (I-ARB; see (c), below), notification, including the acquisition strategy documentation, will be forwarded to the Director, Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy and Acquisition Policy (DPAP). DPAP shall notify the SPE within ten working days of receipt whether USD(AT&L) will review the acquisition. If DPAP notification is not provided within that time-frame, the acquisition may proceed. If a review is conducted by USD(AT&L), it shall be completed within 30 working days of the determination. Similarly, ASD(NII)/CIO retains decision authority for IT service acquisitions. Documentary review in advance of intermediate approvals for IT service acquisitions shall be conducted jointly by J-7 and J-6. The same time-frames (10/30 days) apply.

(b) The decision authority for all service acquisitions with a total planned dollar value equal to or greater than $500 million, but less than $1 billion, is the Component Acquisition Executive or designee (i.e., the SPE). Forward acquisition strategy documentation for all such acquisitions through J-72 for review and coordination.

(c) The decision authority for all service acquisitions greater than $50 million, but less than $500 million, is the I-ARB, or a streamlined review board, under the chairmanship of the SPE; see 7.104-90 and 90.1503 for composition and procedures of the I-ARB. Submit acquisition strategy documentation through J-72 to the I-ARB or other board, as designated, for acquisition and business case analysis approval.

(d) All acquisitions with a total planned dollar value below $50 million shall be reviewed and coordinated in accordance with field activity/DES management structure and dollar threshold review/approval procedures, except that all activities other than DESC, DSCP, DSCC, and DSCR must submit acquisitions valued between $20 million and $50 million to J-72 for review and coordination. Minimum acquisition and business case analysis (BCA) approval levels are as follows:

(i) For acquisitions valued between $100,000 and $5 million: no lower than one level above the contracting officer. However, non-performance-based services acquired through a DoD contract or task order need to be given greater attention, in order to comply with statutory requirements. Therefore, review and approval at the next higher level (i.e., Chief of the Contracting Office, as required in (ii), below) is strongly encouraged. Additionally, any service acquisition, whether or not performance-based, acquired by contract or task order awarded by an agency other than DoD, needs to conform with the requirements of subpart 7.90, as well as with this subpart. Note that all service acquisitions, even in this range of values, are subject to the I-ARB process, as described in 7.104-90.

(ii) For acquisitions valued between $5 million and $20 million: Chief of the Contracting Office.

(iii) For acquisitions valued between $20 million and $50 million: Head of the Contracting Activity or designee for DESC, DSCP, DSCC, and DSCR; Streamlined I-ARB for all other activities.

(e) The thresholds set forth above are inclusive of both the base period and any option periods of the proposed acquisitions. They are established for routine acquisitions; they do not prevent reviews of acquisitions designated as “special interest” at higher organizational levels. For example, the SPE may choose to review an acquisition valued below $50 million if Congressional or OSD interest is anticipated.

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