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Section 5449.402-6: Repurchase against contractor's account.

(b) The defaulted contractor shall not be solicited for the repurchase and award shall not be made to the defaulted contractor when the authority for the repurchase is the Default clause, unless the contracting officer determines that there are overriding concerns in the public interest which dictate solicitation of, or award to, the defaulted contractor of the repurchase quantity. When the defaulted contractor submits the low, acceptable offer at a price not higher than the defaulted contract price, the contracting officer shall make a public interest determination if the defaulted contractor is determined to be responsible on the repurchase action. Public interest determinations shall state the contracting officer's reasons for solicitation of, or award to, the defaulted contractor for the repurchase quantity. In such cases, the contracting officer must determine that the defaulted contractor has taken corrective action and is responsible. Authority for approval of all such public interest determinations is delegated, without redelegation authority to the chief of the contracting office at the DSCs (the Chief of the Contracting Office at DSCR may further delegate to the Deputy Director, Supplier Operations (Contracting) and to:

(1) Commanders of DCMDs and Commander, DCMAI.

(2) Commander, Defense Distribution Center.

(3) Commander, Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service.

(4) Headquarters Complex Commanded, DLA Enterprise Support.

(5) Administrator, Defense National Stockpile Center.

(7) Commander, Television-Audio Support Activity.

In the event that the low offeror is the defaulted small business or another small business and the contracting officer cannot find that small business responsible, the matter shall be referred to DLA, Director, Acquisition Management, (J-7)

, prior to any referral to SBA for a Certificate of Competency.

(90) Consideration of administrative costs of reprocurement after termination for default. Contracting officers may insert a clause substantially the same as at 52.249-9000, Administrative costs of reprocurement after termination for default, in solicitations and contracts. Inclusion of this clause will place contractors on notice that, subsequent to reprocurement after termination for default, the Government reserves the right to assess specific administrative costs and make written demand for these costs in addition to other costs as addressed in FAR 49.402-6(c) and FAR 49.402-7(b).

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